
Help to buy

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Refinancing is a great method to expand your options, acquire financial knowledge, and increase your borrowing capacity. It also helps you save money today, tomorrow, and in the future.

So, why refinance?

Consolidate Debt: Streamline payments, lower interest rates, and be free of worry.

Invest: Grow your net worth by effectively utilizing your equity.

Switch Rates: By making the correct move at the right moment, you may save money in the long run.

Renovate: You may update, improve, or enlarge your house without having to worry about the expense.

It's important to carefully consider the costs and benefits of refinancing and you may Contact Me to determine if refinancing is right for you.



Is Your Mortgage up for Renewal?

Here are some ways in which I can help you:

Reviewing your mortgage terms: I can review your existing mortgage terms and help you understand them better. I can explain any clauses, penalties, or fees that may apply if you choose to renew your mortgage with your current lender.

Shopping around for better rates: I can help you shop around for better mortgage rates and terms. I have access to multiple lenders and can compare different mortgage options to help you find the best one for your financial situation.

Negotiating on your behalf: I can negotiate with lenders on your behalf to get you better mortgage terms, such as lower interest rates, reduced fees, or flexible payment options.

Every few years life changes and so does your mortgage term, talk to me and I can guide you to make an informed decision based on your current lifestyle and needs.


First Time Buyer

First Time Buyer

In Ontario, Canada, there are several first-time buyer incentives available to help make home ownership more affordable. Here are some examples:

Land Transfer Tax Rebate: First-time home buyers in Ontario are eligible for a rebate of up to $4,000 of the land transfer tax paid on the purchase of their first home.

First-Time Home Buyer Incentive: This program, offered by the federal government, provides eligible first-time home buyers with a shared equity mortgage of 5% or 10% to help reduce their monthly mortgage payments.

Home Buyer's Plan (HBP): This program allows first-time home buyers to withdraw up to $35,000 from their RRSPs to use as a down payment on their first home.

First-Time Home Buyers' Tax Credit: This tax credit allows first-time home buyers to claim up to $5,000 on their income tax return for the purchase of a qualifying home.
Municipal Incentives: Some municipalities in Ontario offer incentives to first-time home buyers, such as grants, tax breaks, or affordable housing programs.

It's important to note that eligibility requirements and program details may vary for each incentive, so it's recommended to do your research and Contact Me to determine which programs are best suited for your situation.